Live Scoring and Leaderboard Service

Bring the latest technology to your event with Live Scoring & Leaderboard service from Professional Golf Events.
Live Scoring and Leaderboard service via any smart phone device with sponsorship opportunity to promote sponsor logo that links to company website. Participants can enter team score, view event leaderboard and post comments to event wall for all participants to view.

Also included are cart cards with instructions on how to use the Live Scoring software on your smart phone device. The system also generates an individual barcode that can be scanned by any smart phone that directs you directly to the score entry screen for your team.

Service includes scrolling team pairings and Live Leaderboard…All displayed on multiple flat screen tv’s!
Live Scoring & Leaderboard Benefits
New Sponsorship Opportunity that will generate a NEW and ADDITIONAL revenue stream through Digital Hole Sponsor ads or Leaderboard Sponsorship
Make your event stand out with our Digital Leader Boards and further recognize your event sponsors and participants with Logo Listings next to the team score.
Cloud Based-Tournament Management System that generates Player Alpha List, Player Paring Sheet and Customized Scorecards & Cart Cards with Tournament and Sponsor logos
Interactive Advertising via hyperlinked digital ads
Database development-Name & Email for all Tournament players for future marketing purposes
Global Reach-every event is now online with the ability to reach a global audience
Collaborate in real-time with golf course, event organizer, volunteers, sponsors
Make last minute Player or Team changes on the fly via computer, tablet or smart phone
Real time live scoring – allows the tournament to tally event results faster and start awards presentation sooner
GPS like Technology let’s everyone know where the players are on the course. No more guessing on when to get lunch or dinner ready for your group. You always know how many holes remain for each group.
Golf Course Staff can track play and pull tournament contest proxy markers more efficiently no more waiting to start awards presentation
Beverage Carts: no more guessing where a particular group is easily find teams on the course